Thursday, 25 October 2012

PAYDAY: The Heist Chains

It's time for the 3rd installment of these PAYDAY costumes. For chains I yet again used the same method as the previous two masks.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat, Lather, Rinse, Repeat, Lather, Rinse, Repeat... I'd just like to say sorry for the lack of information and images, I wasn't very good at doctumenting these at the time as the 3 masks were being worked on back to back.
Clay Sculpt of Chains
Casted, Trimmed, Sanded, Painted

The three masks together :)

Next..... Hoxton


PAYDAY: The Heist Dallas

After completing Wolfs mask it was time to start on Dallas, I used the same method as I did with Wolfs, Lather, Rinse, Repeat....
A quick look at the sculpting progress...

Then casted, primed and painted
Final mask finshed :D

Monday, 22 October 2012

PAYDAY: The Heist Wolf

During the steam summer sale I purchased a game called "PAYDAY: The Heist " as soon as I played 1 or 2 mission I decided that I wanted a set of these masks and started work sculpting one of the characters known as "Wolf".

This is the sculpt next to the first pull I got out of the silicone mould.

Primed and Painted White.
The top was taped and the bottom painted RED.
Then the eye sockets where painted black and the red section darkened.
The last bit of shading and distressing was done with black
and then it was given a few coats ofclear lacquer.
And that was it 1 mask down... 3 more to go.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Combine Civil Protection Officers

Many, many millennia ago I started work on 3 Combine Civil Protection Officer (Metro Cop) helmets.

I thought since I started a blog I might as well make the first post about the C.P.O helmets I made.

This piece started life as a 3D file known as a Pepakura file which is printed out on card and put together. Which is then fiberglasses fills and or coated with carfiller sanded shaped and rounded (depending on the amount of polygons) and painted with primer.
This is a Pepakura file that as been painted with fiber glass resin and filled with an inch of carfiller.

Then after alot of filler and sanding and filler and sanding and filler... you get the idea.

Then I use just a bit of carfiller to fill in the minor holes and dips before I start moulding and casting.

After this silicone rubber has been applied then I started with the mould shell, this is to keep the silicone inplace while slush casting sing liquid plastic.

Next I poured plastic into the mould and slushed it around, de-mould and trimming the plastic pulls

Finised The first attempt.

 After I decided to expand the back for an easy and more comfortable fit and altering the front for more of an accurate in game look.

 Primered and ready for moulding, casting, painting and fitting.

2nd Suits

I then decided that I wanted to make it more game accurate, BUT this project so far had taken about 2 years and there are other projects that I want to do. I tried moulding the piece you see above but for some reason the silicone didn't settle right. So as for now I've put this project on hold I'm not even sure if I'll ever get this piece to the point I want.